Saturday, July 18, 2020

Long Ride July 18.2020

We started out about 9:00 and it was starting to get warm, we were riding into a moderate breeze as we headed down the canal. It was smoother than i remember the last ride on it 2 years ago. Lots of trash on the trail as the Illinois Dept of Natural Resources tends to blow cut vegetation onto the path when they mow. I have pointed this out before but it continues. We rode as far south as Bridge 50 and then got off onto Star Road or Route 172 and headed east to Hickory Hills Road, we followed it to Gaulrapp Road and headed north to Buehl Road to get back on the canal to head home. When we got home it was really hot and we were soaked  in perspiration. Close to 20 miles, or longest ride this season, so far. I am happy on the way the Trike performed.  Just a couple more bugs to work out! 

First Picture is a Selfie, I don't do them often, 
now I remember why! 

This picture we are coming up to Buehl Road. 

The last picture is a few miles south of Buehl Road.

Click on the link

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