Monday, July 20, 2020

Hill Training

We chose a route today to give us some hill challenges to help get us into shape. We decided to ride across the damn across the Rock River a few blocks from out house and take the trail along to river into Sinnissippi Park and beyond. We did well on all except the hill leading up into the park on the far east end. We made it about 3/4 of the way and mainly improper shifting we ground to a stop! The rest of the hills on our coarse we handled well. Again the two year layoff affected our shifting. 

This picture, Shows a sign warning "Steep Grade Ahead. " That is the hill we came to a halt on, coming from the other direction, going the direction the photo is taken from is a inside wheel lifting hill. 

Some high speeds and tight curves are on the way down. I have to use the brakes to keep from doing that wheel lift! Here we have leveled out.

We proceeded thru the park into Woodlawn Park and out into the country. 

We returned the way we came, shown here is one of the many shelters for picnicking.

On the bluff overlooking the river.

It was a beautiful day for a ride. 

Here is the link to our garmin Report. Be sure to click on the arrow at the bottom of the Satellite View, to follow along on our ride!

Click on Link!

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